Admiral meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Admiral
As noun : अमीरुलबहर Ex:  The admiral visits all the ships every week.
एडमिरल Ex:  Battleship Division 2. The admiral came on board via helicopter उ:   एडमिरल रॉबिन धवन भारत के वर्तमान नौसेनाध्यक्ष हैं। एडमिरल{समुद्री सेना का नायक या समुद्री सेनापति} Ex:  Justinus would become an admiral in his later years. ऐडमिरल Ex:  'Morontobara' , from where Alexander's admiral Nearchus set sail उ:   प्रत्येक डॉकयार्ड ऐडमिरल या कप्तान अधीक्षक के अधीन रहता है। ऐड्मिरल Ex:  The English admiral Sir George Rooke also won an important naval battle जलसेना का प्रधान सेनापति Ex:  Many Spaniards blamed the admiral of the armada for its failure but Philip जलसेनापति Ex:  It is also said the officer who commanded a navy, a fleet, a fleet, although he had not the admiral charge नौका सेनाध्यक्ष Ex:  Office of admiral, admiral of the former French navy नौसेनापति Ex:  Only the admiral who wears the flag mast at
Admiral ki paribhasha : saamudriy ya jalasena ka pradhaan senaa- pati
Admiral synonyms
legislature management ministry executive cabinet bureau board committee department upstairs general chair president commander consulate chairperson headquarters embassy front office presidency officials advisers officers stewards supervisors feds superintendents directors presidium powers executives governing body top brass chargã© d'affaires admiral of the fleet five-star admiral navarch
Usage of Admiral in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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