Adoptive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Adoptive
As noun : अंगीकृत Ex:  Big Bird gets homesick and tired of his adoptive parents
As adjective :
गोदनशीं Ex:  legitimate and natural Child, One born of a legitimate marriage, as opposed to the illegitimate child and the adoptive child दत्तक Ex:  Nero was adoptive brother Britannicus उ:   दत्तक पुत्र का नाम दामोदर राव रखा गया। रासनशीन
Other : अंगीकरण करने वाला Ex:  He is not their own, but adoptive child. गोद लेने वाला Ex:  Brother adoption, or adoptive brother said of a child who was adopted by a father or a mother already had other children दत्तक पुत्रकारी Ex:  Marital status of a person, the condition of a person from the public acts that establish his birth, his legitimate, illegitimate or adoptive filiation, marriage, death, etc दत्तकग्राही दत्तकी
Adoptive ki paribhasha : shaastravidhi se banaaya hua putr
Usage of Adoptive in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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