Advantaged meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Advantaged
As noun : उपसंपन्न Ex:  Two spouses avantagent, have mutually advantaged
लाभान्वित उ:   जिससे सब लोग लाभान्वित हो सकें।
As verb : आवर्दा Ex:  In this division, you were advantaged कृपापात्र प्रसादपात्र
Advantaged synonyms
recommended selected preferred chosen pet blessed elite lucky sweetheart fair-haired best-liked singled out well-liked honored powerful ruling special indulged entitled satisfy account advantage profit suffice work meet answer fulfill be adequate advance pay assist further aid promote improve relieve better succor build ameliorate pay off contribute to be good for do for one do the trick fill the bill make a killing make it work for function service suit apply content answer the purpose be acceptable be good enough be of use be useful do duty as
Advantaged antonyms
unpopular disfavored disadvantageous underprivileged prevented known poor open public unexempt dissatisfy fail take miss decrease hinder thwart block impede obstruct injure worsen handicap harm halt stop hurt destroy anger displease refrain refuse idle lose upset receive
Usage of Advantaged in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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