Adventure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Adventure
As noun : अपूर्व अनुभव Ex:  the adventure ended tragically
अभियान Ex:  It was an adventure for me". उ:   युद्ध के लिए गांव-गांव शहर-शहर अभियान चला। एडवेंचर Ex:  Cyberpunk has also been used in computer adventure games उ:   एडवेंचर फिल्म फिल्मों का एक प्रकार है। जान जोखिम में डालना Ex:  Chorus Treasure Island is an adventure novel by author Robert Louis Stevenson जान पर खेलना Ex:  It is a very beautiful river and popular for rafting and adventure sports. जोखिऊँ Ex:  Many Hollywood adventure films need computer generated imagery जोखिम का काम Ex:  Blade Runner has influenced adventure games जोखिम भरा अनुभव Ex:  The first three offer examples of love and adventure happily resolved जोखिम लदान Ex:  Libya's adventure ended in disaster in 1987 जोखिम Ex:  By extension, this adventure is the counterpart of yours उ:   कम जोखिम वाले जीव भी श्रेणियों में विभाजित हैं। जोखोँ Ex:  Do all things adventure झोँकी Ex:  He has gone off to seek adventure दुष्कर कार्य Ex:  He wanted to try the adventure देवाधीन कर्म Ex:  He was the hero of an adventure more ध्यान देने योग्य घटना Ex:  I do venture over such a thing, I do not expose myself to like adventure प्रोद्यम Ex:  I will teach you a very special adventure बीड़ा उठाना Ex:  Insurance, loans are the big adventure random contracts विपत्तिपूर्ण कार्य Ex:  It even says the story of some particular adventure साहस कर्म Ex:  It should be expected some unfortunate adventure साहसिक काम Ex:  It's great adventure if I do come not to end साहसिक कारनामा Ex:  NEW also tells the story of a romantic adventure or psychological साहसिक कार्य Ex:  Nothing has pierced the adventure सिरखपी Ex:  Our eyes witnessed this strange adventure
Other : खतरा Ex:  They chronicled their adventure with an IMAX camera and two handheld video cams उ:   पार्वती नदी में नहाने का खतरा ना उठाएं। खतरे मे डालना Ex:  Lucas' original concept was a swashbuckling space adventure movie. खतरे में डालना Ex:  Lucas set to work on making his space adventure movie. साहस करना Ex:  It is a novel of adventure हिम्मत करना Ex:  Push through the adventure, Follow up to its denouement, until its conclusion an adventure in which they pledged
Adventure ki paribhasha : vah maanasik gun ya shakti jisake dvaara manushy yarthasht bal ke abhaav men bhi koi bhaari kaam kar baithata hai ya dradhataapoorvak vipattiyon ya kathinaaiyon aadi ka saamana karata hai bhaari anisht ya vipatti ki aashnka athava snbhaavana
Adventure synonyms
exploit feat trip experience scene peril happening jeopardy incident hazard endangerment chance venture enterprise contingency speculation occurrence emprise
Adventure antonyms
safety abstention protection reality avoidance inaction inactivity inertia latency passiveness stillness plan assurance certainty fact surety truth
Usage of Adventure in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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