Affirmation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Affirmation
As noun : अभिपुष्टि Ex:  Strong atheism is the explicit affirmation that gods do not exist.
दृढ़ वचन Ex:  I leave it to your affirmation प्रतिज्ञापन Ex:  Some said he was very familiar in way of affirmation
Other : अभिकथन Ex:  He was asked to give an affirmation that he was not related. अभिपोषण Ex:  Any proposal contains affirmation or negation अभिवचन Ex:  Anything else is a mere assertion, something else is an affirmation oath ढृ्ढ़ीकरण Ex:  Before God God is my witness; God is my witness, phrases that mark oath and affirmation धर्मानुकूल कहना Ex:  In formula of affirmation and referring to former judicial trials, I would put my hand out to the fire, I assure that the thing is so, I would answer my own risk पुष्टीकरण Ex:  In the following examples, Go, duty, power, future, faced with the gerund and the infinitive of other verbs express various shades of time or affirmation पुष्टीज्ञान Ex:  J 'I needed to believe that your affirmation is प्रतिज्ञान Ex:  NO is used, either alone or with Pas, to oppose a negation to affirmation बिधि Ex:  The affirmation is opposed to negation उ:   जेहि बिधि कपिपति कीस पठाए। हाँ स्वीकरण हाँ उ:   हाँ तुम्हे अपनी ओर से भंडारे की व्यवस्था करनी होगी।
Affirmation ki paribhasha : bhavishy men koi kartavy paalan karane, koi kaam karane ya na karane aadi ke snbnd men dradh nishchay yah nishchay karana ki amuk baat uchit hai ya anuchit
Usage of Affirmation in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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