All in all meaning in hindi

How to pronounce All in all
As noun : सब मिलाकर
सामान्यतः उ:   सामान्यतः निम्न गीतों पर घूमर नृत्य किया जाता है।
Other : माँ Ex:  Put all in all , one over the other, one after the other उ:   उनकी माँ मराठी हिंदू है। सब उ:   ये सब मथुरा के प्रमुख स्थान हैं।
All in all synonyms
fully exactly entirely just all told bodily all things considered by and large collectively conjointly everything considered everything included for the most part in all in sum in toto on the whole taken together seeing because inasmuch as now pending since as long as everything being equal forasmuch as in consideration of in light of in view of insomuch as taking into account ensemble all together as a body as a group as a whole as one in a body in a group in a mass business lot aggregate complex universe whole caboodle all that each thing every little thing lock stock and barrel many things the works whole ball of wax whole enchilada whole lot whole shebang fixins' publicly mostly largely typically ordinarily commonly roughly customarily widely usually normally universally about approximately chiefly extensively overall popularly practically primarily principally regularly roundly habitually broadly almost always as a rule conventionally on average predominantly thereabouts after behind finally in conclusion ultimately after all at last at the end bringing up rear in the rear to conclude to sum up essentially plainly merely exclusively completely solely barely absolutely truly actually thoroughly perfectly really considerably positively precisely well in all respects in fact in reality in truth without reservation unconditionally flat out full blast wholeheartedly comprehensively consummately top to bottom unmitigatedly extremely plumb to the core to the nth degree outright all the way from a to z heart and soul in every respect one-hundred percent
All in all antonyms
incompletely partially partly one at a time singly nothing rarely sometimes unusually exactly particularly seldom specifically firstly/first indefinitely inadequately doubtfully uncertain inclusively
Usage of All in all in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb, noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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