All out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce All out
As noun : जी जान से Ex:  If the team batting last is all out
As adjective : भरसक Ex:  Australia was all out for 66 in the second innings and lost by 675 runs. उ:   भरसक कोशिश की, तनाव से मुक्त रहें। यथाशक्ति Ex:  It also said all men in general as being all out of one father and one mother, as all of the same species उ:   पश्चात यथाशक्ति देवों का पूजन करें। यथाशक्य
All out ki paribhasha : jisaki satah dabaane se na deb ya mushkil se deb
All out synonyms
full-blown full-scale absolute complete maximum unambiguous definitive clear-cut unequivocal definite forthright emphatic certain direct downright express positive specific sure ultimate unmitigated unqualified unreserved no holds barred no strings attached straight out precise undeniable convincing indisputable compelling unmistakable irrefutable irrevocable cogent deciding demonstrative incontrovertible litmus test telling unquestionable determinative clinching determinant irrefragable irrefrangible resolving revealing settling unanswerable unarguable what you see is what you get influential resolute forceful crucial critical fateful significant determined momentous assured bent crisp decided final firm imperative imperious incisive intent peremptory settled trenchant resolved strong-minded absolutely thoroughly quite entirely perfectly totally wholly positively altogether intimately outright royal utterly all the way every inch from a to z from soup to nuts heart and soul through and through without exaggeration drastic excessive extremist fanatical far-out gone immoderate out of bounds outlandish rabid radical revolutionary too much outre outrã© genuine explicit unrestricted actual indubitable open out-and-out plenary whole wide determinate unconstrained no catch no fine print no ifs ands or buts no kicker directly openly at full speed at full throttle bluntly full-bore peak performance wide open full force full steam full tilt full volume maximum speed top speed full stroke fierce hard deep desperate exquisite furious terrible vehement vicious comprehensive in-depth encyclopedic extensive catholic far-reaching profound all-embracing all-encompassing embracive no stone unturned the word whole-hog head over heels lickety-split at a good clip in full gallop the whole nine yards to the max unrestrainedly without reservation for all one's worth international universal overall all-around all-inclusive blanket cosmic cosmopolitan earthly ecumenical general grand mundane planetary spherical world pandemic demanding accelerated fast severe speeded-up across-the-board broad wholesale exaggerated indiscriminate vast overstated overdrawn thorough-going wall-to-wall bird's-eye assiduous careful circumstantial conscientious detailed efficient exact itemized meticulous minute painstaking particular plenty scrupulous tough blow-by-blow clocklike particularized slam-bang sheer gross totalitarian integral consummate undisputed undivided untold limitless incalculable immense boundless immeasurable infinite indefinite unfettered endless countless great incomprehensible interminable numberless unfathomed illimitable measureless unconfined full-out no end of no end to uttermost chief outside farthest highest last straw outermost paramount preeminent supreme furthermost maximal topmost greatest most distant remotest too-too undiminished worst case plain arrant pure important blasted blessed blooming confounded damned dead infernal stark straight-out all-fired
All out antonyms
half-hearted partial halfway ambiguous inexact indefinite vague equivocal uncertain indistinct conditional implied questionable qualified tentative uncategorical disputable unsure inconclusive doubtful dubious refutable ineffective unimportant irresolute trivial uncritical insignificant indecisive weak procrastinating unpositive partially incompletely partly inadequately insufficiently middle moderate unfinished obscure limited diluted diffuse loose thin free exclusive superficial narrow excluding incomprehensive uncomprehensive local specific individual particular surface restricted needy deficient imperfect inexhaustive fractional broken tiny confined calculable bounded measurable little small ending countable introductory beginning first starting
Usage of All out in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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