Allow for meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Allow for
As noun : विचार करना Ex:  Replays allow for the studying of game players' tactics
Other :
गुंजाइश रखना Ex:  Many believers allow for the existence of other
Allow for synonyms
scrutinize grant recognize study regard examine favor see contemplate acknowledge ponder ruminate scan deliberate inspect muse excogitate reflect reason meditate concede consult speculate revolve envisage take up look at deal with assent to chew over dream of flirt with keep in mind mull over perpend provide for reckon with see about subscribe to take under advisement think out think over toss around excuse condone forget absolve efface purge acquit amnesty palliate spring clear overlook remit pocket relent commute respite exempt release exculpate reprieve extenuate exonerate bear with bury the hatchet let off accept apology bear no malice dismiss from mind kiss and make up laugh off let bygones be bygones let it go let off easy let pass let up on make allowance think no more of turn other cheek wink at wipe slate clean incorporate receive cover introduce add combine consist of have enter carry encompass hold comprise build interpolate implicate entail encircle interject number comprehend constitute admit embrace inject insert embody enclose subsume append accommodate be composed of be made up of build in cut in on make allowance for make room for number among teem with work in outweigh neutralize equal negate counteract balance counterpoise countervail redeem charge recompense equalize requite equipoise cancel out counterpose atone for be equivalent make amends make up for set off bear in mind take into consideration think about
Allow for antonyms
refuse ignore disregard discard reject forget neglect look away dismiss abandon leave condemn blame sentence accuse increase censure punish hold keep maintain charge exclude erase subtract decrease lack need estimate guess unloose shun deny release eliminate divide drop separate withdraw want stop fail remove let go take out disproportion approve
Usage of Allow for in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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