Anarchy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Anarchy
As noun : अनार्की Ex:  Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed
अप्रबंध Ex:  After a period of anarchy अराजकता Ex:  Rescuing the region from unrest and anarchy उ:   प्रांत में एक प्रकार की अराजकता मची हुई थी। अव्यवस्था या अराजकता Ex:  After a period of anarchy अव्यवस्था Ex:  A state plagued anarchy उ:   चारों ओर अव्यवस्था और अराजकता थी। अशासन Ex:  Exit the anarchy उत्पिंज Ex:  Falling into anarchy गोलमाल Ex:  The anarchy of minds, discord, confusion छत्रभंग Ex:  the perpetrator of anarchy बदइंतजामी Ex:  This country is in a state of anarchy हरबोँग Ex:  , virus anarchy
Other : कुप्रबन्ध Ex:  repress, subdue anarchy गड़बड़ी Ex:  The democratic government often degenerates into anarchy राजविप्लव Ex:  Who holds the two kinds of anarchy
Anarchy ki paribhasha : logon ke bich phaili hui adhirataa, ghabaraahata, daud dhoopa, shoragul aadi
Anarchy synonyms
turmoil riot confusion hostility chaos rebellion unrest nihilism disorder disregard misrule revolution disorganization reign of terror mob rule nongovernment
Anarchy antonyms
calm lawfulness harmony order peace organization method system rule
Usage of Anarchy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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