Angular meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Angular
As adjective : अदर्शनोय Ex:  Though he looks like an angular but from heart he is a nice man.
असौष्ठव Ex:  The study of angles and of the angular relationships of planar and 3-D figures is known as trigonometry इकहरा Ex:  In addition to its intrinsic angular momentum कुंढंगा Ex:  Analogous global definitions exist for momentum and angular momentum. कुढ़ंग Ex:  An angular unconformity followed. कोण Ex:  The angular coordinate θ is expressed in radians throughout this section उ:   रामजी दरवाज़ा– गाँव के ईशान कोण में अवस्थित है। कोणक Ex:  Although some groups prefer more of geometric and angular facial forms कोणीय Ex:  Since the angular diameter of the Sun is about half a degree उ:   जब बल से कोणीय वेग में बदलाव होता है, उसे बल आघूर्ण कहा जाता है। कोनेदार Ex:  A character angular कोरदार Ex:  A very angular body कड़क और असभ्य Ex:  An optical instrument which, having the same angular difference that the images formed in each eye by an object, gives feeling relief and perspective with two plane images of the same object गोबरगणेश Ex:  angular थुँदला Ex:  angular artery, Artery that passes wide angle of the eye दुर्बल या इकहरा Ex:  angular mean figuratively, in the moral sense, which is rough, hard धमधूसर Ex:  Figure angular निष्कांत Ex:  He also said, as didactic term of linear or angular variable used to measure a phenomenon नुकीला Ex:  In terms of anatomy, angular teeth, the canine teeth, so called because they are on the outside corner of the lips नुकीली Ex:  In terms of Astronomy, Complement of a star, Its angular distance to the zenith उ:   किशनगढ़ चित्रशैली के चेहरे लंबे ,कद लंबा और नाक नुकीली रहती है। बेढब Ex:  In terms of physics, Egrets bright, light rays beams, divergent, one sees the tips and angular ends of electrified bodies बेढ़ंगा Ex:  pediments of this building contrast, they are alternately curved and angular बेवजा Ex:  Blé or wheat-buckwheat, smartweed species that door, in small clusters, black and angular grain भद्दा विरुप शिखावान् शूकवान् शैख्य साड
Angular ki paribhasha : ek bindu par milati ya katati hui do aisi rekhaaon ke bich ka antara, jo milakar ek na ho jaati hon jo chhor ki or baraabar patala hota gaya ho jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho
Angular synonyms
jagged crooked crossing forked oblique slanted zigzag bifurcate cornered v-shaped y-shaped akimbo crotched divaricate intersecting sharp-cornered skewed staggered skinny bony lanky rangy gaunt awkward gangling lean rawboned scrawny spare
Angular antonyms
straight fat heavy thick weighted chubby overweight plump
Usage of Angular in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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