Ape meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ape
As noun : उक्षाल Ex:  I just go ape over chocolate .
एक्टिंग Ex:  Pauline, from a giant ape named Donkey Kong. कपि Ex:  The hero and ape went on to become two of Nintendo's more popular characters. उ:   आए कपि सब जहँ रघुराई। कप्प Ex:  The carpenter mistreats the ape झँपाक Ex:  Much concern has been raised about Great ape extinction. झंपी Ex:  ape species known as black Wren द्रुमवासी नकल करना फलभुक् बन्दर की जात का जानवर लतामृग वलीवदन, वलीवक्त्र वानर उ:   उनकी वानर के समान लंबी पूँछ है। विटपिमृग शालावृक
Other : कीश Ex:  Miyamoto decided to name the game for the ape बन्दर उ:   बन्दर ने कहा बंदरिया से चलो नहाने चले गंगा। मल्लू
Ape ki paribhasha : .... guru aur laghu hote hain
Ape synonyms
imitate emulate do caricature ditto parrot counterfeit echo impersonate travesty mirror affect copy mock parody take off do like go like make like
Ape antonyms
be original
Usage of Ape in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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