Apply meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Apply
As verb : आवेदन करना Ex:  You should apply yourself to your studies .
आवेदन पत्र देना Ex:  While Acts can apply to the whole of the UK including Scotland उपयोगी होना Ex:  Although this did not apply to the Subura slums उपाचारना Ex:  This limit used to apply to every entry काम में लाना Ex:  These laws generally apply only to their own citizens दरख्वास्त देना Ex:  Some U.S. laws directly apply to Antarctica. निवेदन पत्र देना Ex:  Other apply ultrasound प्रयोग करना Ex:  This could apply to the bacterial members of a stromatolite प्रयोग किया जाना Ex:  However, Darwin realized that this could not apply to caterpillars. प्रयोग में लाना Ex:  National courts can apply EU law in domestic cases प्रसंजन Ex:  There are numerous qualifications that apply to Members of Parliament. बर्तना Ex:  The state sales tax does not apply to sales to Indians on Indian Reservations बापरना Ex:  Like all other scientists, Earth scientists apply the scientific method. में लग जाना Ex:  Rides over 15 km and between 11pm and 6am apply both charges लागु होना या करना Ex:  But he was the first to apply it in political field on a huge scale. लागू करना Ex:  This may apply to roads, parks, rivers, and portions of oceans. लागू होना या करना Ex:  This does not apply in all countries लागू होना Ex:  The peak of the 'rainy season,' which really does not apply विनियोग करना Ex:  Islamic law will not apply to the southern states. संप्रयोजित करना Ex:  Idahoans may apply for state tax credits for taxes paid to other states हँड़ाना Ex:  These restrictions do not apply retroactively हथवाँसना Ex:  Although the Treaty of Maastricht states that only European countries may apply
Other : अर्जी देना Ex:  Actors apply a lot of make up. उपयोजन Ex:  Multiple models may be seen to apply simultaneously
Apply ki paribhasha : do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana
Apply synonyms
employ handle practice administer implement exercise execute engage utilize exploit assign bring into play bring to bear relate pertain involve connect affect refer fit regard allude appertain suit touch concern be applicable be pertinent bear upon spread cover join anoint rub smear affix paint bestow place fasten massage put on lay on claim appeal demand inquire sue requisition petition solicit put in for devote study give try address commit plug persevere sweat scratch dig dedicate direct turn concentrate bend grind throw hustle bear down buckle down knuckle down be diligent be industrious give best shot give old college try hammer away hit the ball make effort peg away pour it on pull out all stops give all one's got
Apply antonyms
ignore misuse cease mismanage neglect halt stop detach loosen deny disclaim answer keep
Usage of Apply in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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