Arbitrary meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Arbitrary
As noun : अकर्मा Ex:  He is an arbitrary man.
अपगुण Ex:  The arbitrary nominations by the party chief were widely criticised by the
आटीक्रैट Ex:  Lévi-Strauss tries "to reduce apparently arbitrary data to some kind of order कामवृत्त Ex:  Kanji compounds can also be given arbitrary readings for stylistic purposes. कामवृत्ति Ex:  The freedom from arbitrary bodily invasion was addressed in Rochin v. निगूना Ex:  Although limits remain somewhat arbitrary निर्गुण Ex:  Properties are arbitrary pieces of data attached to a window. उ:   वे निर्गुण निराकार ईश्वर को मानते थे। निर्यंत्रण Ex:  A client can store arbitrary data in a property of a window. यादृक्षिक Ex:  Further, the choice of radicals may also seem arbitrary in some cases साकूत Ex:  An arbitrary सेरुवा Ex:  An arbitrary act स्वेच्छाचारी Ex:  Fine arbitrary स्वैरवृत्त Ex:  It is a victim arbitrary स्वैरवृत्ति Ex:  It means, by extension, which is suspicious, too severe, speaking of all authority, any act of arbitrary search स्वैराचारी Ex:  It means, by extension, which is suspicious, too severe, speaking of all authority, any act of arbitrary search
As adjective : मनमानता Ex:  Egyptian authorities have made hundreds of arbitrary arrests of young gay men मनमाना Ex:  Instead of an arbitrary selection by an editor उ:   मनमाना आचरण न किया जाए। मनमानिब ‡ Ex:  This is arbitrary but perhaps any other selected point
Other : स्वच्छन्द Ex:  Architecture arbitrary Measuring for the proportion of relations between all the parts of a work of architecture स्वेच्छा Ex:  being the victim of arbitrary orders उ:   शासक स्वेच्छा से इन्हें बेच नहीं सकते हैं। स्वेच्छित Ex:  Fine arbitrary स्वैच्छिक Ex:  Hard Plan, severe, arbitrary उ:   इस शहर को यहां के स्वैच्छिक रक्तदान अभियानों के लिए जाना जाता है।
Arbitrary ki paribhasha : jisake liye koi ankush ya prati- bndh na ho jo satva, raj or tam tin gunon se pare ho
Arbitrary synonyms
irrational irresponsible random unreasonable erratic subjective capricious inconsistent willful discretionary frivolous approximate fanciful injudicious offhand optional supercilious superficial unaccountable unscientific wayward autocratic absolute bossy despotic dogmatic domineering downright flat out high-handed imperious magisterial overbearing peremptory summary tyrannical monocratic tyrannous no ifs ands or buts no joke straight out
Arbitrary antonyms
logical sensible reliable dependable unchanging circumspect rational democratic reasonable definite consistent regular steady reasoned supported
Usage of Arbitrary in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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