Arrow meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Arrow
As noun : अंगुष Ex:  his arrow hit the mark
अग्निशिख Ex:  The hunter tipped the arrow with poison. अस्त्रकंटक Ex:  He put the arrow back in its quiver. अस्रकंठ Ex:  Ram shot the arrow that killed Ravana. इक्षुप्र Ex:  An arrow pierced his thorax. कंकपत्री Ex:  The arrow missed its mark. करगस Ex:  The doctor jerked the arrow out of Bill's leg . किंशारु Ex:  I pulled out the arrow . गंगापार Ex:  Yet the majority of the laws of physics don't provide this arrow of time. चित्रपुंख Ex:  This, essentially, is the use of the arrow of time in history. तरौँस Ex:  Bow and arrow and Pegasus Boots, of which make him run extremely fast. तीर या बाण या शर Ex:  The arrow was fired into the target of choice तीर Ex:  A car that carries the arrow उ:   उसने गंगा के तीर पर एक किला बनाने की सोची। तूणत्क्ष्वेड Ex:  arrow तोयवेला Ex:  Ask a lady on an arrow त्रिपुट Ex:  Botanical He told Leaves, stipules which have the shape of an arrow iron पत्रवाज Ex:  Curtains supported by an arrow मर्मभेदन Ex:  Iron with an arrow लुख Ex:  Iron, wood an arrow वाण के आकार का चिन्ह Ex:  It is said, by analogy, Some of things that are made arrow shaped विषुद्रुह Ex:  She had a golden arrow in the hair वीरतर Ex:  Shoot an arrow वीरशंकु Ex:  The arrow broke शर Ex:  The arrow of a bed उ:   टूटने के कारण इनका नाम शर पड़ा। सर ‡ सलाकं सवलोह सहस्त्रपर्ण स्थूलक्षेड, स्थूलक्ष्वेड
Other : बाण Ex:  Darder a line, an arrow उ:   वह मालवों के बाण से तो घायल भी हो गया था। बान Ex:  Draw an arrow with a crossbow or any similar weapon trait उ:   ड्यूश बान में लोगों को किराये पर भी साइकिल मिल जाती है। वाण Ex:  It is used especially in terms of architecture, speaking of arches, arcades which increases the arrow उ:   धमुष वाण अरू त्रिशूल सोहे। विशिख Ex:  Make any arrow wood, Make every effort to succeed in a business शायक Ex:  This car door on the boom, it touches, it beats the arrow when it is in motion सर उ:   गाते समय उनके सर से पल्लू कभी नीचे नहीं हुआ। सायक
Arrow ki paribhasha : ek lnba aur nukila astr jo dhanush par chadhaakar chalaaya jaata hai dhaaradaar phal laga hua chhadi ke aakaar ka chhota astr jo dhanish ki dori par khinchakar chhod jaata hai khugi ya devakavaas jo aasaam ki gaaro pahaadiyon men hoti hai saamudrik ke anusaar sharir men ka ek chihn
Arrow synonyms
missile projectile dart shaft indicator pointer bolt cursor
Usage of Arrow in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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