Askew meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Askew
As adjective : टेढा या तिरछा Ex:  Do not talk to him today, he put his cap askew
As adverb :
ऐंड़बैंड़ Ex:  rugs lying askew तिक्खा Ex:  Getting askew, everything askew तिरछन Ex:  It has a long body, the body all askew तिरछा Ex:  It has legs askew उ:   प्रकाश ऊपर से अथवा तिरछा पड़ रहा हो। तिरीछा Ex:  There is askew in the garden तिरीछो Ex:  This board, this console is placed askew तीछे Ex:  Twist the neck, mouth, Turn neck, mouth askew बँकार Ex:  This room is all askew बँकैत बंकट बंकिम उ:   बंकिम बहुमुखी प्रतिभा वाले रचनाकार थे। बंकुस बक्र बेँड़ा वगलौहाँ विजिह्म सरगपताली सावीकृत
Askew ki paribhasha : jo apane aadhaar par samakon banaata hua na gaya ho
Askew synonyms
off-center awry askance bent cockeyed curved knotted lopsided oblique obliquely slanted slanting twisted zigzag askant aslant buckled catawampus crookedly to one side topsy-turvey turned yaw ways
Usage of Askew in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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