Assembly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Assembly
As noun : इंस्टिट्यूट Ex:  they demanded the right of assembly
एसेंब्ली Ex:  The national assembly held a meeting to discuss the cyclonic situation in
Orissa .
कमिटी Ex:  At the end of the assembly उ:   उन्हें कमिटी ऑफ क्राईम के अध्यक्ष के पद पर नियुक्त किया गया। कोडांतरण Ex:  The city was then used as an assembly point for tanks उ:   फिर धीरे धीरे वितरित परिवार का कोडांतरण शुरू होता है। जनवास Ex:  Each assembly is led by a Navigator. जमघट Ex:  Other elected assembly officers include the Captain उ:   यहाँ महान्‌ विभूतियों का जमघट लगा रहता था। झूलर Ex:  Newfoundland received a colonial assembly in 1832 दरगह Ex:  A new legislative assembly was also created फिटिंग Ex:  The municipal assembly is made up of 17 officials. उ:   परिधान की फिटिंग उनकी परिशुद्धि पर निर्भर करती है। महफ़िल Ex:  Before the October 1990 elections to the national assembly विजन स‌ंग्रह जमाव Ex:  2007 Ecuador elected a constituent assembly संजोवा Ex:  Ecclesia or Ekklesia means “Greek assembly of a city state. संसत्, संसद् Ex:  While the treaty also restricted the freedom of assembly संसाद Ex:  He opened Ford assembly plants in Britain and Canada in 1911 सद Ex:  Ford's first moving assembly line उ:   ये दुर्ग ८वीं से १८वीं सद तक चले राजपूत शासन का प्रतीक है। सदन Ex:  The assembly consists of twenty democratically elected members उ:   लोकसभा भारत की संसद का निम्न सदन है। सभा Ex:  Despite a local assembly and government उ:   वे राज्य सभा के तीन बार सदस्य रहे। सभाआ Ex:  In the Theban assembly the next day
Other : कदंब Ex:  LRA rebels had begun gathering in the assembly areas by mid-September. उ:   कदंब के फूल गंधयुक्त होते हैं। गोष्ठी Ex:  Microsoft also rewrote critical operations from C into assembly जन समूह Ex:  If he does not win the votes of the majority of the assembly जमात Ex:  The assembly appoints the judges. जमाव Ex:  The General Assembly is the main deliberative assembly of the United Nations. उ:   उनका जमाव एक से तीन हफ्तों में शीर्ष पर पहुंच जाता है। जमावड़ा Ex:  The Plymouth Brethren have a thriving assembly there जमीयत Ex:  The assembly of producers DJ Premier जमैयत Ex:  The unicameral parliament consists of the thirty-member house of assembly मजलिस Ex:  Although the Legislative Assembly Act refers to members of the assembly विधान सभा Ex:  The continent's first elected legislative assembly वृंद Ex:  The format of the assembly सम्मेलन Ex:  The assembly responded by acclaiming Pelopidas and his men as liberators. उ:   इस सम्मेलन का आठ अनुलग्नक परिणाम हैं।
Assembly ki paribhasha : manushyon ka kisi nimitt ekatr hua samaaj ek prasiddh kasaayi ka naam jo bad bhagavadrukt ho gaya hai vah sthaan jahaaan bahut se log milakar baithe hon
Assembly synonyms
gathering crowd cluster huddle council rally flock bunch conference confab group crew meeting multitude body conclave faction company convocation aggregation collection band sit-in turnout association throng mass accumulation assemblage get-together clambake coffee klatch building manufacture molding adjustment construction attachment manufacturing fabrication connecting erection shaping modeling welding joining fitting together piecing together setting up
Assembly antonyms
individual separation one division
Usage of Assembly in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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