Assigned meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Assigned
As noun : नियुक्त Ex:  They assigned the new car to Roger . उ:   वे बंगाल के स्वास्थ्यमंत्री नियुक्त हुए।
निरूक्त Ex:  The rows are assigned to the consonants, again in the traditional order. उ:   वृत्र का अर्थ मेघ यानि बादल से है निरूक्त २.५.४। विनियोजित Ex:  Most of them are assigned to the Academy for only two or three years. विनिहित Ex:  Different categories of sounds are assigned different ranges of numbers. व्यपेक्षित Ex:  These fighters were assigned to I/JG.77, deployed in Norway.
As verb : अभिहस्तांकित Ex:  the value assigned was 16 milliseconds निर्दिष्‍ट Ex:  This is a unique number assigned to every known work by Mozart. सौंपा गया Ex:  Einsatzgruppe A was assigned to the Baltic area सौपा गया Ex:  Within assigned areas
Other : दत्त Ex:  We were assigned new uniforms उ:   उनका नाम गोसाईं दत्त रखा गया।
Assigned ki paribhasha : kisi pad ya kaary ke liye tainaat
Assigned synonyms
appoint authorize hire name nominate empower attach charge draft allow accredit commit entrust refer designate slot enroll reference attribute ascribe commission ordain cast tag impute delegate deputize download choice downlink hang on tab pin on hold responsible hand over distribute grant allocate determine allot relegate earmark apportion fix prescribe detail stipulate consign indicate appropriate specify divide dish out hand out mete shell out fork out
Assigned antonyms
refuse reject deny disallow ignore disapprove retract fire keep cancel withhold disarrange disorganize hide retain
Usage of Assigned in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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