Awestruck meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Awestruck
As adverb :
आदर[डर] से पूर्ण
Awestruck synonyms
stunned agog shocked anxious afraid alarmed confounded dumbfounded frightened overwhelmed startled terrified dismayed appalled amazed astonished astounded horror-struck dazed muddled stupefied disconcerted confused uncomprehending nonplussed at a loss wonderstruck bowled over petrified flabbergasted floored staggered open ajar yawning staring fascinated awed admiring perplexed puzzled befuddled surprised thrown lost reeling addled stumped misled dizzy dumbstruck giddy punchy speechless uncertain baffled rattled mystified flustered dazzled awe-struck flipped out in a dither shook up taken aback unglued
Awestruck antonyms
unsurprised understanding filled animated aware excited clear oriented full habited occupied
Usage of Awestruck in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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