Ball shaped meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ball shaped
As noun : आफताबी Ex:  He said specifically of wool Tuft ball shaped in the military wore their caps Full dress and ornament of the same kind as the sailors of the state still wear their berets to
कुंड़लाकार गोल उ:   नवीं शाखा को गोल पुष्पचक्रों से सजाया गया है। टुकडी़ माणव्य मुदौवर राउंड वृत
As adjective : गोलाकार उ:   इसमें अर्द्ध गोलाकार खिड़कियाँ हैं। गोलाकृति वटी
Ball shaped ki paribhasha : haaki, phutabaal aadi khelon men vah sthaan jahaaan gend pahuancha dene se virodhi paksh ki jit ho jaati hai
Ball shaped synonyms
rounded circular globular ball-shaped orbicular spheroidal
Usage of Ball shaped in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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