Bar meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bar
As noun : अँतरपट Ex:  She got saved from the accident due to strong roll bar in her car.
अँधिआरी Ex:  he bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar अंतरपट Ex:  An inflexible iron bar अंतरपाट Ex:  the small-town bar was all tarted up अक्षपटल Ex:  a bar of chocolate अड़ड़ Ex:  Poor health may be a bar to success in life. अदलखाना Ex:  The whole group is here bar two. अदालत में कैदियों का कटघरा Ex:  We had choco bar as a dessert. अदालत Ex:  The bar was full of din. उ:   फिर हैरी को अदालत में हाज़िरी देनी पड़ती है। अधिकरणमंडप Ex:  A part of a machine consisting of a bar with teeth into which those of a
wheel or gear fit.
अधिवक्तृत्व Ex:  the failure rate on the bar exam is discouragingly high अपग्रह Ex:  there was no bar against leaving अपवारक Ex:  An iron bar is blocking the way. अर्गला से बंद करना Ex:  Please don't bar me from the movie theater . आड़ Ex:  Todd broke away a piece from the bar of candy . उ:   इसके अलावा दो लाख साइट शिक्षा की आड़ में चलायी जा रही हैं। आरूक Ex:  I took the bar exam and just barely got by . इमसाक Ex:  He grasped at the bar and held on tight . उत्तंभ Ex:  The bar was jumping with young people . उदसन Ex:  They ousted the boys from the bar . उद्घर्षण Ex:  He plonked down his beer mug on the bar . उपमंथनी Ex:  The two drunks tore the bar up in their brawling . ओल्ह Ex:  He tossed a beer down and left the bar . कठघरा Ex:  Lavoisier received a law degree and was admitted to the bar काष्ठागार Ex:  It is also in triple meter and can start on any beat of the bar खडी लकीर Ex:  This song is played while the gremlins party in the bar घाएँ Ex:  Cocoa butter is used in chocolate bar manufacture चिटखनी Ex:  This bar is also known as a Mansfield bar. छड़ Ex:  "The Office," a bar in the Pittsburgh area in the 1970s उ:   डालिबार्ड का छड़ ४० फुट तथा डेलॉर का छड़ ९९ फूट ऊँचा था। छिटकनी Ex:  In the Sephardi community, boys wear a tallit from bar mitzvah age. छेटा Ex:  The show is set in the Cheers bar in Boston जल पान गृह Ex:  Manufactured bar soaps first became available in the late nineteenth century जितनेमि Ex:  When the bar is completely filled झोँट Ex:  Smoking is permitted in bars but only if the bar serves no food टिकिया Ex:  If a bar magnet is broken in half उ:   अच्छी तरह सुखाने पर सारा रजत क्लोराइड एक टिकिया बन जाता है। ठंभन Ex:  The Galaxy's bar is thought to be about 27,000 light-years long ठेगनापु Ex:  Remote sensing capability extends down to roughly 300 km below the 1 bar level डंटा Ex:  With his innovations, he raised the bar musically for all who came after him. डंडा Ex:  The 7-point is referred to as the bar point, and the 13-point as the mid point. थमकाना Ex:  Because the opponent has difficulty re-entering from the bar or escaping दंडदेवकुल Ex:  Admitted to the bar in 1837 दावरीगाह Ex:  A stick, a bar of chocolate दृष्टिरोध Ex:  Arquer a piece of wood, an iron bar निकाल देना Ex:  Arts iron bar used to move, in a furnace, the hot coal निर्बेध Ex:  bar न्यायसभा Ex:  bar न्यायालय Ex:  bar उ:   उसे न्यायालय फांसी की सजा दे देता है। पट्टी Ex:  bar उ:   इसकी उड़ान पट्टी की लंबाई ६१०० फी. है। परीरणा Ex:  bar पानगृह Ex:  bar पानपटल Ex:  bar पारीरण Ex:  Close a door or a window from behind with a bar or something प्रकोष्ठ Ex:  Close with a behind-per bar प्रतिच्छेद Ex:  Eloquence the bar प्रतिवंधकता Ex:  Forging an iron bar प्रतिविघात Ex:  Go to the bar प्रतिसरा Ex:  Gold, silver bar प्रातिबंद लगाना Ex:  His parents intended him to the bar प्लोत Ex:  Horizontal bar, round wooden bar or iron supported at a certain height by two vertical iron amounts फीती Ex:  Identify what bar बार Ex:  In terms of Blason, Barré money and appetizers at the bar money, etc उ:   वे दो बार जेल भी गई थीं। बिसामण Ex:  In terms of Gymnastics, it wants a device consisting of a wooden bar suspended from two ropes, used in various exercises बेरिया Ex:  In terms of Masonry, it refers to an iron bar embedded in the masonry of a house and which serves to prevent the separation of two walls मठुलिया Ex:  In terms of Typography, The bar of the frame, the piece of iron that crosses in the direction of the height or width, the chassis in which are assembled, one imposes pages मदिरा बिकने का स्थान Ex:  It also means Garnish, fortifying a bar मधुशाला Ex:  It bears Gules silver bar उ:   मधुशाला की हर रूबाई मधुशाला शब्द से समाप्त होती है। मना करना Ex:  It specifically refers to the place where one splits the iron yards after he was set bar यमन Ex:  It takes a beam, a stronger iron bar राजकरण Ex:  It would be difficult to drive this door, there is a good bar behind राजद्वार Ex:  Leave someone blows bar रुकावट Ex:  Prohibit the bar to a lawyer उ:   धनार्जन भी बिना किसी रुकावट के चलता रहा। रूकावट Ex:  Pull a bar on the passages we want to subtract रोकना Ex:  Putting a grab bar in a window लठिया ‡ Ex:  Saw an iron bar with a file वकालत का पेशा Ex:  See the bar on a particular issue वकी Ex:  Silver bar bullion वकीलों का समुदाय Ex:  soften the bar वटी Ex:  The bar is this notice विचारभू Ex:  The bar rudder विचारस्थल Ex:  The game bar विधिज् Ex:  The space is limited by the seats of judges and by the bar where lawyers विवंधन Ex:  The sparking a hot coal, with a red iron bar वेगरोध Ex:  This iron bar keeps the frame वेष्य Ex:  This is use the bar व्यपसारण Ex:  This man bar me in everything I undertake व्युदास Ex:  usually spherical iron, joined by a small iron bar that is seized with the hand व्य़ुत्थान Ex:  We say the same, in terms of Coinage, the bar of a balance शरा Ex:  , Have bars on someone, Having him some advantage, as the bar player with those of his opponents who have gone before him उ:   पराकृताः शरा यस्मात् राक्षसानां वधार्थिनाम्। शराबघर Ex:  , in study, to the bar to the exercise of arms, etc उ:   इसके बाद एल शराबघर जाता है। संबरण संसत्, संसद् सलाख या शलाका साँकड़ाना सिटकिनी लगाना सिटकिनी से बंद करना सिटकिनी सौँटा
Other : को छोड़ कर Ex:  Clinton resigned from the Supreme Court bar in November. छड़ Ex:  Following admission to the bar and joining the local Democratic party दण्ड Ex:  The boiling point of water is 100�C at 013 bar pressure . उ:   उन्हें काकोरी काण्ड में आजीवन कारावास का दण्ड मिला था। पानागार Ex:  Breaking of a bar बाधा Ex:  In default, if no other weapons, he took a iron bar उ:   इसीलिए मुक्तिबोध जी की पढाई में बाधा पड़ती रहती थी। रोध Ex:  Sap bar strokes शलाका Ex:  The bar Bayonne, San Lucar, Senegal, etc उ:   मूर्तिकला में बहुधा शलाका से अंजन लगाती हुई नारी का चित्रण हुआ है। सलाख
Bar ki paribhasha : vakilo, bairistaron ka samooha, unaka pesha aur kachahari men unake uthane baithane, aaraam karane ka sthaan lakadi ya baaans ka sidha lnba tukad bad pinjad jisamen jngali jaanavar rakha ja sake kivaadon ke bnd karane ya adane ke liye lagi hui lohe ya pital ki chhad gati ka avarodh karana ooangali men choonaa, rng ya aur koi vastu potakar banaayi hui khadi rekha ya chihn lnbi tikali jise striyaaan maathe par lagaati hain dhaatu ya lakadi aadi ka lnba patala bad tukad ek gahana jo pagadi men lagaaya jaata hai vah sthaan jahaaan baithakar nyaayaadhish svatv snbndhi jhagadon par vichaar karata hai
Bar synonyms
streak pig stroke strip slab rib stake boom spar ingot batten billet rail stripe shaft pole rule lever stick paling spoke crosspiece crossbar wall fence traverse clog encumbrance restraint hindrance stop snag obstruction obstacle barricade hurdle railing impediment deterrent pale road block stumbling block blank wall bistro tavern pub lounge inn saloon tap taproom barroom canteen cocktail lounge public house rathskeller alehouse beer garden drinkery watering hole tribunal counsel court judiciary bench dock law judgment law court courtroom jurists attorneys solicitors barristers lawyers counselors law practice legal profession plug trammel dam dike blockade jam bolt fasten close latch seal deadbolt caulk hinder prevent discourage suspend deny forbid preclude enjoin refuse segregate limit eliminate rule out reject ban exclude disallow outlaw discountenance frustrate ostracize debar except interfere override interdict exile boycott circumvent condemn shut out freeze out keep out
Bar antonyms
loss whole advantage aid failure help assistance encouragement clearance opening promotion support unlock unblock loosen release unseal advocate permit unfasten unplug free unclog unstop let go allow grant sanction choose include ratify welcome advance continue admit approve accept keep add
Usage of Bar in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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