Barefaced meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Barefaced
As noun : अर्जुनच्छवि
धौला पांडूरा शिचि श्वित्न, श्वित्न्य, श्वित्य श्वित्र सपेत, सपेद सफेद उ:   सफेद और नीली नील सूडान के खारतूम के पास मिलती है। सिपेद सुपेत
Barefaced ki paribhasha : jisapar kuchh likha ya chihn na ho
Barefaced synonyms
apparent arrant audacious blatant blunt bold brash brassy brazen candid clear flagrant frank glaring immodest impudent insolent manifest naked obvious palpable temerarious transparent unconcealed unabashed
Barefaced antonyms
careful shamed quiet
Usage of Barefaced in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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