Be out for blood meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Be out for blood
As noun :
के पीछे पड़ना
Be out for blood synonyms
deliberate resolute calculated persistent strong-willed determined intense bent bound decided firm fixed intent obstinate positive settled single-minded stalwart staunch steadfast steady stubborn tenacious unfaltering unwavering mean business dead set on playing hard ball purposive telelogical undeviating get back at vindicate avenge square return punish retort reciprocate repay score redress requite defend match justify fight back get even kick back even the score give comeuppance give just desserts hit back make reprisal pay back pay back in spades pay off return the compliment settle up settle with stick it to take an eye for an eye turn the tables on fix one's wagon
Be out for blood antonyms
irresolute aimless undetermined unplanned weak thoughtless wanton request surrender deny refuse forgive pardon sympathize depart leave take fail lose
Usage of Be out for blood in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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