Bearable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bearable
As noun : सहनीय Ex:  It has been said that life would be bearable without the pleasures
As adjective :
तपनीय Ex:  He seasons his reprimands anything that can make them more bearable सह्य Ex:  It means figuratively make it more bearable
Bearable ki paribhasha : jhelane, bhogane ya vahan karane yogy
Bearable synonyms
livable manageable tolerable satisfactory passable acceptable admissible allowable supportable sufferable sustainable
Bearable antonyms
inadequate unacceptable unbearable unsuitable intolerable unendurable unmanageable
Usage of Bearable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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