Because meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Because
As noun : के कारण Ex:  Teacher struck me because I was talking.
क्यों कि Ex:  They diverted the traffic because of the demonstration. वजह से Ex:  It dismissed 143 applicants because they were carriers
Other : इस कारण से Ex:  No one likes her because she shows her sass to everyone. इसलिए कि Ex:  My friend uses a monocle because she has no proper sight. के मारे Ex:  That famous personality died because of pneumonia. क्योँकि Ex:  The scooter skidded because the brakes got locked suddenly. क्योंकि Ex:  She is polyglot because she had seen and lived in many countries. उ:   क्योंकि वेद सर्वांशतया प्रमाण है। चूँकि Ex:  He closed down his factory because it wasnt cost-effective. उ:   चूँकि समुच्चय इसके अवयवों का समाहर है।
Because synonyms
as being considering for over seeing since through whereas as a result of as long as as things go by cause of by reason of by virtue of due to for the reason that for the sake of in as much as in behalf of in that in the interest of in view of now that on the grounds that owing to thanks to
Usage of Because in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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