Bend ear meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bend ear
As noun :
समस्या के बारे में बात करना
Bend ear synonyms
annoy exhaust tire bother irritate irk fatigue jade worry afflict pester discomfort vex weary drag trouble cloy pall burn out wear out be tedious put to sleep send to sleep turn one off bend one's ear talk one's ear off disclose reveal whisper confess impart admit suggest breathe intimate hint insinuate buzz tell bend an ear crack to lay it on lay the gaff let in on spill to unload on snoop spy wire tap monitor pry bug overhear listen in wiretap be all ears ears into tune in on authorize hand over relegate invest impose confer commend turn over allocate commit assign count rely depend reckon deliver consign charge allot bank delegate deposit with leave with blab blather prate babble jaw imply dish spread repeat chat report prattle chatter rumor bad-mouth cut up spill the beans schmoose blether cut to pieces rattle on talk idly tell secrets tell tales wiggle-waggle noise tell tales out of school
Bend ear antonyms
aid soothe invigorate refresh energize delight comfort assist amuse charm excite interest please help make happy conceal hide deny suppress secrete keep ignore withhold retain be quiet
Usage of Bend ear in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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