Bird meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bird
As noun : अंबरचर Ex:  Martin belongs to the sparrow bird family.
अंबरचर Ex:  Martin belongs to the sparrow bird family. अस्थितुंड Ex:  Owl is a nocturnal bird आंड़ज Ex:  Pruning of wings made the bird flightless. आकाशग Ex:  Goldfinch is a bird from the family of finch birds. कर्क Ex:  magpie is a bird उ:   यह नगर कर्क रेखा के उत्तर में स्थित है। कषिका Ex:  Mohan is watching a bird कीकसमुख Ex:  mohan is watching a bird . खग Ex:  The bird seems to have lost his mate. उ:   सब कर मत खग नायक ऐहा। चंचुमान् Ex:  mohan is watching a bird . चिडिया Ex:  The bird f luffed out its feathers . चीरी Ex:  A number of bird species have been introduced by humans जिह्वारद् Ex:  Some 86 migrant bird species have been recorded. तर्की Ex:  Nearly all parts of the bird can be used for food द्योभूमि Ex:  A total of 289 bird species द्विपक्ष Ex:  In 1999, biologists counted 289 bird species in the park. उ:   लेखांकन समीकरण द्विपक्ष अवधारणा पर आधारित है। नभचर Ex:  Each species of bird has different needs. उ:   यह नभचर वाहन होने के साथ ही भूमि पर भी चल सकता था। नाड़ीचरण Ex:  The wingspans of the largest great albatrosses are the largest of any bird नीड़ोद् भव Ex:  Common Ravens have among the largest brains of any bird species. पक्षधर Ex:  These locations provide breeding habitat for dozens of bird species. उ:   वे सदा हिन्दी के पक्षधर रहे। पक्षवाहन Ex:  Seychelles has 12 endemic bird species. पक्षहर Ex:  Britain's only endemic bird पक्षालु Ex:  Venezuela also hosts a huge number of bird species पक्षी Ex:  Compared to an average bird उ:   यह पक्षी अभयारण्य के रूप में प्रसिद्ध है। पखीरी Ex:  Taiwan is a center of bird endemism पच्छघर Ex:  Other Māori names for the bird are kūkupa and kūkū . पतन् Ex:  The young bird then takes another 36 days to fledge. पत्ररथ Ex:  It is also home to 50 bird species पत्रवाज Ex:  The official symbols of Puerto Rico are the bird पदत्री Ex:  They are populated by large numbers of seal and bird species. परंद Ex:  The national bird of Grenada is the critically endangered Grenada Dove. परिंद, परिंदा Ex:  Common Loon are a relatively recent addition to the breeding bird list परिंदा Ex:  The highest bird diversity occurs in tropical regions. पारिंद Ex:  Perceptions of various bird species often vary across cultures. पित्सत Ex:  Over a hundred bird species have gone extinct in historical times पिपतिषत्, पिपतिषु Ex:  Many bird populations are declining worldwide पीलो Ex:  The Catlins were one of the last places that the giant flightless bird प्रवंग, प्रवंगम Ex:  With 1600 bird species in the continental area प्रवग Ex:  248 breeding bird species प्लावी Ex:  These tend to attract bird populations उ:   प्लावी हिमशैल अन्य कारणों से भी बन सकते हैं। फत्कारी Ex:  The most commonly used bird eggs are those from the chicken. यूपलक्ष्य Ex:  The park is home to over 400 species of bird वल्लक Ex:  The bird is abundant, with an estimated population of 130 million birds. वातगामी Ex:  The species usually forages on the ground, including at bird feeders. विप्रुष Ex:  The bird is also Michigan's state bird of peace. वियति Ex:  A bird hopping विष्पत्री Ex:  A bird that cleaves the air विहंग Ex:  A bird that comes to calling विहाँगड़ा Ex:  A bird that flies low, which flies high विहायस्, विहायस Ex:  A bird that has the plumage Spotted वीहंगड़ा Ex:  A bird that nests वृक्षाश्रयी Ex:  A bird that shakes शकुंति Ex:  A bird that takes the rise शकुनक Ex:  A private bird शकुनक Ex:  A private bird शार्ङ्ग Ex:  Action of a bird that freely share to rise in the air शार्ङ्गक Ex:  After describing several circles in the air, the bird fell upon prey हिंसीर Ex:  Bring the bird हिंसीर Ex:  Bring the bird
Other : गगन Ex:  The bird was caught in a decoy. उ:   ;धरतिहि जैस गगन सौं नेहा। चिड़िया पकड़ना Ex:  an unbanded bird चिड़िया Ex:  Pullikat is one of the famous bird sanctuaries in India. उ:   यह तैरनेवाली चिड़िया थी। चिड़ियों का शिकार करना Ex:  The bird flaaped its wings. चिड़िया Ex:  Australia and its territories are home to over 800 species of bird पंखी Ex:  Only one bird was captured in 1967 पंछी Ex:  One male bird was captured in the Milford area in 1975 उ:   इस पंछी को अँगरेजी में ग्रोइक कहते हैं। पक्षियों का एकाग्रतापूर्वक निरीक्षण करना Ex:  This family is part of the bird order Procellariiformes पखेरू Ex:  The kererū or New Zealand Pigeon is a bird endemic to New Zealand. पाँखी Ex:  Ninety-five percent of bird species are socially monogamous. उ:   पाँखी प्रकाशन दिल्ली का एक प्रमुख प्रकाशन समूह है। बिहंग Ex:  When a bird approaches बिहग Ex:  The size of the bird varies by location मिट्टी का कबूतर Ex:  The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States of America. लड़की Ex:  The bird is also called the American Mourning Dove उ:   आगे हो जाए और लड़की पीछे। विहंगम Ex:  A bird that debate when we take the उ:   इस स्‍तूप से 'दया नदी' का विहंगम नजारा दिखता है। विहग Ex:  A bird that extends the wings, which spreads its wings शिकारी चिड़िया Ex:  bird of passage, the order of the passerines, which usually appears in the spring, that nests in chimneys, attic, etc
Bird ki paribhasha : manushy ya kisi aur shariradhaari ka saara sharira, jisaki prathak satta maani jaati hai aur jo kisi samooh ya samaaj ka ang samajha jaata hai svikaar na karane ki kriya ya bhaav vah praani jisake oopar udne ke liye par hon ek naag ka naam jisaka ullekh mahaabhaarat men hai paksh vishesh ka samarthak ka haaji gakhkhar khaan khaanti khag kholi bihatthn
Bird synonyms
fowl game feathered creature
Usage of Bird in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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