Bleach meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bleach
As noun : विरंजक उ:   अकार्बनिक व्यवसायों में विरंजक चूर्ण का व्यवसाय भी बड़े महत्व का है।
विरंजित करना
As verb : उजला करना या निखारना Ex:  a complete bleach usually requires several applications उजला करना Ex:  Health officials also recommended disinfecting private wells with bleach उजला होना Ex:  Leave the laundry bleach निखर जाना Ex:  Put cloths on the grass to bleach put whiten नीरंजन करना Ex:  substantively, a bleach पीला पड़ना Ex:  , we say crazy head never whitens, because it was believed that those concerns do not bleach free रंग उड़ाना Ex:  se bleach hair रंगरहित कराना विरंजन करना श्वेत करना
Other : निखारना Ex:  The manganese dioxide is used in glass to bleach certain glasses
Bleach synonyms
lighten blanch etiolate blench fade achromatize decolorize peroxide grow pale make pale wash out
Bleach antonyms
darken blacken yellow
Usage of Bleach in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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