Blocking meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blocking
Other : अवरुद्ध करना Ex:  some joker is blocking the driveway
अवरोधक Ex:  After returning to his position blocking the tanks अवरोधी Ex:  Bayerite may cause blocking of the pores formed during leaching उ:   यह जीवाणुओं, कीटों एवं रस द्रव्यों के प्रति यथेष्ट अवरोधी होता है। खंडकन Ex:  With no major mountain ranges blocking Arctic air masses निरुद्ध करना Ex:  Recent versions feature pop-up blocking and tabbed browsing. विरोधी Ex:  Many cars were blocking the street उ:   अमेरिका ने इसका लाभ उठाकर साम्यवाद विरोधी नारा दिया।
Blocking ki paribhasha : saath snvatsaron men se pachisavaaan snvatsar yog men chitt ki samast vuttiyon ko rokana jisamen abhyaas aur vairaagy ki aavashyakata hoti hain
Usage of Blocking in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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