Bowed down meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bowed down
As noun : अवांच
दबा हुआ
Other : अवनत Ex:  He bowed down low to the duchess .
Bowed down synonyms
admire venerate adore revere glorify love canonize apotheosize deify exalt reverence dote on bow down look up to put on a pedestal stoop genuflect kowtow curtsey do obeisance prostrate oneself applaud advocate appreciate honor commend compliment tout hail recommend endorse proclaim extol cite celebrate acclaim ennoble flatter dignify elevate stroke resound worship eulogize cajole boost sanction adulate distinguish root bless cheer clap puff approve aggrandize build up panegyrize cry up give thanks make much of pay homage pay tribute rave over sing the praises smile on obey grovel surrender cringe abase give in cast before fall at feet kiss acknowledge be grateful be indebted be obligated be obliged say thank you show appreciation show courtesy show gratitude
Bowed down antonyms
abhor condemn despise detest hate castigate degrade humiliate criticize debase lower protest disparage disregard blame denounce dishonor censure disapprove conceal hide damn belittle insult demote disgrace shame decrease prevent refuse veto disallow accuse reproach oppose neglect overlook depress discourage erect straighten aid assist assuage soothe fight stand help please
Usage of Bowed down in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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