Brassy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brassy
As noun : घटिया
As adjective : अकंठ Ex:  Finally, the Grail leitmotif is followed by a brassy 'Faith' leitmotif. अपध्वांत कड़कस कर्कश कुरव पीतल के रंग का विरुक्ष
Brassy ki paribhasha : vah jo gurujanon ke saamane aisa kaam kare jo anuchit ho jise haya lajja aadi bilkul na ho
Brassy synonyms
brash bold blaring gaudy rude piercing jazzy flashy jarring shrill arrant barefaced blatant brazen flirtatious forward garish grating hard harsh impudent insolent loudmouthed noisy obtrusive pert saucy shameless showy strident unabashed unblushing overbold
Brassy antonyms
careful cautious circumspect prudent afraid fearful weak plain refined simple sophisticated smooth low soft humble
Usage of Brassy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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