Brighten meaning in hindi - Brighten का मतलब हिंदी में

Brighten meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brighten
As noun : उहासना Ex:  brighten sauce
पलहलना प्रसन्न होना
As verb : उच्च पद देना Ex:  brighten a table by cleaning उज्जवल कर देना Ex:  brighten a thicket coppice उज्जवल होना Ex:  brighten dishes, weapons उभासना Ex:  brighten his mourning Start wear a less severe mourning ओझकना Ex:  brighten the complexion, Make it clearer and purer चमकना Ex:  brighten the conversation चमका देना Ex:  brighten up a book, brighten his style, his subject, the more enjoyable, are spread some ornaments चमक्कना Ex:  In terms of gardening, brighten a tree चमच्चना Ex:  It is said to similar effect brighten a picture चमाकना Ex:  We must do that which we can to brighten this patient चौँधना Ex:  We need to brighten up जलकना जलजलाना झबकना झबूकना झलहलना टिमकना डमकना तरक्कना दमंकना दुपकना प्रसन्न हो जाना या करना लौँकना विभारना वोपना
Other : आनन्दित करना Ex:  The paint will brighten the room आशान्वित होना Ex:  It can also mean Layout joking, to brighten the expense of others चमकाना Ex:  Try to brighten your mind
Brighten ki paribhasha : bhaav bataane ke liye aanguli aadi hilaana
Examples Words that rhyme with brighten
Brighten synonyms
enliven lighten illuminate clear up illumine gleam burnish polish kindle intensify light up buff up grow sunny punch up spiff up perk up improve gladden cheer encourage hearten buck up cheer up look up become cheerful buoy up
Brighten antonyms
darken complicate dull deepen fade depress upset worsen bring down dishearten dissuade discourage
Usage of Brighten in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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