Broadly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Broadly
As noun : विस्तीर्णता से Ex:  Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities
As adverb :
खुल कर Ex:  His views may be described as broadly Protestant. मोटे तौर पर Ex:  John Dewey, less broadly than James स्थूल रुप से Ex:  Throwing is defined in the rules quite broadly स्थूल रूप से Ex:  Even when the term Allah is not broadly used in a language
Broadly synonyms
publicly mostly typically ordinarily commonly roughly customarily usually normally universally about altogether approximately chiefly en masse overall popularly practically primarily principally regularly roundly habitually all in all almost always as a rule by and large conventionally for the most part on average on the whole predominantly thereabouts abundantly considerably generously grandly lavishly magnificently mainly commodiously comprehensively copiously expansively extravagantly immoderately imposingly in a big way in a grand manner liberally on a large scale prodigally prodigiously voluminously greatly everywhere far and near great lengths near and far
Broadly antonyms
rarely sometimes unusually exactly particularly seldom specifically locally narrowly
Usage of Broadly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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