Buff meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Buff
As noun : पांडु चर्म Ex:  swimming in the buff
पांडु Ex:  In the buff उ:   यहाँ के पांडु कुण्ड में चट्टानों से निरंतर पानी टपकता रहता है। पांडुरित Ex:  Typically reddish, tawny, or buff colored. बफ़ (रंग Ex:  suede gloves, buff बहुत ज़्यादा दिलचस्पी रखने वाला Ex:  , Train the doldrums says, the game Colin buff to Tell the one who is blindfolded he runs risk of running against something बादामी रंग का बादामी उ:   यह भूरे तथा बादामी रंग का पत्थर होता है। भैंस आदि का चमडा भैंस आदि का चमड़ा
Buff ki paribhasha : baadaam ke aakaar ki ek prakaar ki chhoti dibiya jisamen gahane aadi rakhate hai ek rog ka naam jisamen rakt ke dooshit ho jaane se sharir ka chamad pile rng ka ho jaata hai
Buff synonyms
lemon straw nude ecru bare tan blonde tawny yellowish canary ochre light brown yellow-brown devotee connoisseur freak expert aficionado lover fan addict admirer fiend votary hound habituã© rub smooth furbish gloss glaze burnish brush scour pumice sandpaper
Buff antonyms
clothed covered enemy ignoramus detractor opponent dull
Usage of Buff in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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