Bunco meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bunco
As noun : धोखा देना
Bunco synonyms
pretend delude fool lie humbug shuck sham feign snow trick beguile mislead simulate fake affect juggle counterfeit betray defraud double-cross put on take in jive fake out illude psych out chicanery scam trickery deception swindle frame gyp sting hoax racket sell fix baloney rip-off imposture dodge double-dealing plant whitewash jazz flimflam wrong deceit stunt spoof hustle artifice put-on bill of goods con game dirty pool hanky-panky shell game snow job hoaxing cozening bamboozlement cover up dirty trick fast one fast shuffle run around shady deal fleece hoodwink bilk dupe deceive victimize trim ream crib skin milk screw gouge diddle finagle hose beat sucker burn short two-time bleed shaft rook stiff fudge chisel rip off sandbag caboodle do a number on fast talk give bum steer jerk around rope in take for a ride take out pull one's leg conspiracy graft complicity plot skunk connivance cahoots craft guilt scheme intrigue guiltiness bait and switch diddling fradulent artifice infidelity betrayal treason falseness duplicity sellout perfidiousness faithlessness disaffection corruption dirty work grift skin game stab in the back sweet talk two-timing recreancy dirty dealing crook swindler hustler deceiver mountebank cheater barricuda bilker clip artist fleecer flimflammer hoser scam artist scammer shark sharpie smoothie
Bunco antonyms
protect come clean support reveal tell truth be honest honesty truthfulness reality frankness peace openness aid assist give help lose offer fail faithfulness loyalty constancy devotion fidelity forthrightness harmony love gift
Usage of Bunco in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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