Buzzing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Buzzing
As noun : गूँजता हुआ Ex:  This disease has left a ringing in the ear, an ear buzzing
विरूत व्याघ्रुष्ट
As verb : कलस्वर Ex:  This office is buzzing with activity. गुंजायमान Ex:  Flies buzzing in the ears भनभनाता हुआ Ex:  What are you buzzing us non-stop? In these two senses he is familiar मर्मर Ex:  When he had finished speaking, they heard buzzing all the congregation शूष
Other : गुंजन Ex:  A beetle buzzing गुंजार Ex:  It also says a horse that makes a buzzing at the sight of objects that surprise or frighten the गूँज Ex:  The buzzing of a fly
Buzzing synonyms
reverberate hum whisper bumble sibilate drone whiz murmur fizzle ring whir bombinate chatter inform tattle call rumor natter
Buzzing antonyms
conceal hide
Usage of Buzzing in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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