Cat meaning in hindi - Cat का मतलब हिंदी में

Cat meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cat
As noun : अँवली— Ex:  Some people believe that a cat crossing the road before us is a portent of something unpleasant.
अरण्यनृपति Ex:  what a cat she is! अश्वाजनी Ex:  His cat name is kitty. आदमी Ex:  The cat jumped upon the table. उ:   जो आदमी को लक्ष्य तक पहुँचाता है। ईर्ष्यालुस्ट्रि Ex:  oh! what a Wonderful cat is it he or she? उँचाना Ex:  The cat was woken up by the mouses squeak. उठाना Ex:  The cat clawed my hand. उ:   यदि हानि हो जाए, तो उसका भार भी स्वामी को ही उठाना होता है। उठावना Ex:  Persian cat has long hairs. उदसन Ex:  What a cat she is! उद्धूनन Ex:  I stroked the cat and she rubbed againast my leg.
India - she is my motherland.
उबांत Ex:  I kicked the cat out and then went to bed . उलटी करना Ex:  The dogs came from nowhere and attacked my cat . उलटी Ex:  The cat crept away quietly . उ:   इस मंदिर की खासियत यह है कि इसमें हनुमानजी की उलटी मूर्ति स्थापित है। ऊपर चढ कर घुसनेवाला चोर Ex:  The cat crept into the bedroom . ओतु Ex:  The cat crept up on the mouse . औंड़ी Ex:  In anger, she f lung the cat out of the window . करिदारक Ex:  The cat f lipped over and ran away . करिमाचल Ex:  I had to force the cat off the sofa . केहरी, केहरी Ex:  I had to force off the cat . कैट (अग्निसह मृत्‍तिका Ex:  Carl is such a fraidy cat . कोरड Ex:  The cat gobbled down the sardines . चर्मबंध Ex:  The dog growled at the cat . चर्मयष्टि Ex:  My cat died last week . चाबक Ex:  The cat jumped on the mouse . चाबुक से मारना Ex:  The cat jumped up on the sofa . चाबुक Ex:  My cat kicked off last night . चित्रकाय Ex:  The cat leapt at the mouse and caught it . छर्दि Ex:  Stop mooning about your cat . छाडना, छाड़ना Ex:  I put the cat to sleep by stroking its tummy . जने Ex:  I reunited the lost cat with its owner . झगड़ालु औरत Ex:  Tom squirted the hose at the cat . झगड़ालू औरत Ex:  Jeff stepped back on the cat . तायन Ex:  Richard was storming at the cat again . तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र Ex:  Don't take it out on the cat . तेंदुआ Ex:  I teased out the cat . उ:   वास्तव में नर तेंदुआ और मादा शेर का उपजाऊ वंश नर लेओपोन है। तोकना Ex:  Our cat turned up his toes during the night . नक्तंचर Ex:  Francie offers to help a man she believes is a cat burglar. नहुष्य Ex:  Diana seduces him while in the form of a cat नेत्रपिंड Ex:  She brought with her a cat पारिंद Ex:  The cat has since starred in other television programs and in a feature film. पुश्क Ex:  Using sign language, she requested a cat प्रतिष्कश Ex:  The cat may be running because it has seen a mouse . प्रतिष्कष Ex:  , Having cat eyes, Have eyes between gray and red प्रवयण Ex:  , Having cat eyes, Have eyes between gray and red बघ्घ Ex:  A cat climbs a tree, along a tree बनपति Ex:  A cat in profile बाघ Ex:  A cat that licks उ:   बाघ शब्द संस्कृत के व्याघ्र का तदभव रूप है। बिक्ति Ex:  A cat who deloused her little बिडाल Ex:  A tomcat is seen in the garden. बिडालिका Ex:  A cat who épuce बिडाली Ex:  A wild cat बिढ़ई ‡ Ex:  Absolutely, The cat sniffs around the kitchen बिलैया ‡ Ex:  Chat tiger, wild cat Variety of South America बिल्ला Ex:  Do not wake the cat who sleeps बिल्लि का बच्चा Ex:  For extension, the cat hates mice बिल्ली Ex:  He lies in wait like a cat does a mouse, said of a man who watches in other उ:   जगुआर बिल्ली परिवार का तीसरा सबसे बड़ा सदस्य है। बीलो Ex:  I hear a cat meowing बेकत Ex:  I went there, there was not a cat, I do not see a cat भीमनाद Ex:  Monkey Paw, lion, cat मंजार Ex:  prowling like a cat मंदिरपशु Ex:  The cat agriffa to tapestry मनसेधू ‡ Ex:  The cat gave him a griffade मनुजात Ex:  The cat scratched the child मार्जार (स्त्री० मार्जारी Ex:  The cat watches the mouse मिंजारी Ex:  The cat watches the mouse मिनखी Ex:  The domestic cat and wild cat मुरती Ex:  The marks of the claws of a cat मृगद्दष्टि Ex:  This cat has seized a piece of meat मेघनाद Ex:  This cat is good for mice मेनाद Ex:  This dog and cat mix well लोमविष Ex:  This horse, this cat is in heat वनश्वा Ex:  turn the hair of a cat वमना Ex:  Who has the resemblance to the cat Who belongs to the genus Chat विडालक Ex:  You say it is not you who did this? no, it is the cat विषदंत Ex:  , Call a cat विषदंश Ex:  , Having a cat in the throat, feeling some embarrassment that prevents the throat from singing or speaking विस्फुरणी Ex:  , he has spent on it as a cat on embers, said Someone who, in a speech or in a written, passes slightly on an article he does not want too deeply विड़ाल Ex:  , Retomber like a cat on his paws, if skillfully draw difficult situations वृधसानु Ex:  , scalded cat fears cold water, when something caused us great pain, has been very harmful , we fear even the appearance वृशदंशक Ex:  , scalded cat fears the cold water वृषदंश Ex:  Playing cat perched, Child's Play where you can only take those who are not perched on furniture, a garden bench, a stone, etc वृषसानु Ex:  We usually said today This cat plays with the arrows व्याघ्रवक्त्र व्याघ्रास्य व्यालमृग शर्जा शर्यात शालावृक शेर उ:   ये शेर एक दूसरे से स्वतंत्र होते हैं। सटांक समुद् गार समुद् गिरण समुन्नति समुन्नमन स्थूर हस्तिकक्ष्य हस्तिघ्न हिंसारू हेचमर्द ह्रीकु
Other : कोड़ा Ex:  The cat jumped over the wall to get at the mouse . कोड़े लगाना Ex:  See if you can get my cat down from the tree . बिलाई Ex:  cat scratched The उ:   धमतरी नगर में स्थित बिलाई माता का मन्दिर प्रसिद्ध मन्दिर है।
Cat ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka baaans jo dakshin men hota hai maalakhnbh ki ek kasarat jisamen khilaadi ki pith maalakhnbh ki or aur saamana dekhanevaalon ki or rahata hai nichi sthiti se ooanchi sthiti men karana phaarasi, urdou aadi ki kavita ke do charan keval pnjon ke bal chalanevaale poora talava jamin par na rakhanevaale maansaahaari pashuon men se ek jo sinha, vyaaghr aadi ki jaati ka hai aur apani jaati men sabase chhota hai
Examples Words that rhyme with cat
Cat synonyms
puma panther tabby kitty lynx tiger cougar lion puss kitten leopard bobcat jaguar tomcat pussy ocelot cheetah mouser grimalkin
Usage of Cat in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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