Catch 22 meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Catch 22
As noun : अटपट
जटिल उ:   यह बदलाव एक जटिल प्रक्रिया के साथ होते हैं। मुश्किल
Catch 22 ki paribhasha : jata ke ulajhe hue baalon ki tarah jisaka sulajhana bahut kathin ho
Catch 22 synonyms
contradiction quagmire lose-lose deception conundrum joke puzzle hitch puzzler drawback trap decoy catch-22 fly in the ointment blind alley corner road block standoff blank wall nowhere to turn standstill gridlock plight box pause halt checkmate tie cessation hole pickle posture dead heat full stop mess difficulty embarrassment problem bind fix strait scrape jam perplexity hooker double bind tight corner blemish weakness failing defect foible glitch fault bug pitfall gremlin speck vice wart stain disfigurement slipup weak spot typo interruption barrier handicap interference deterrent restriction clog encumbrance millstone intervention baggage stoppage hang-up crimp restraint limitation drag albatross joker trammel ball and chain impedance monkey wrench excess baggage foot dragging jam-up morass cul-de-sac setback inhibition hurdle hazard burden bottleneck red tape disadvantage load cramp holdup manacle delay shackle rub prohibition detriment blockage barricade retardation curb stricture dead weight retardment hardship obstruction bump traverse mountain hamper vicissitude booby trap disincentive mystery oddity anomaly enigma ambiguity absurdity inconsistency reverse opposite nonsense error mistake circumstance imbroglio crisis juncture asperity exigency state lot emergency muddle rigor condition clutch pinch position bad news hot water deep water soup large order rough go tall order ticklish spot tight situation trouble agreement clause demand fine print prerequisite qualification requirement reservation rider small print specification stipulation term terms kicker strings uncertainty bewilderment doubt double trouble up a tree crunch inconvenience blockade brake knot cropper the rub tight spot arrest complication discouragement stumbling stone stone in one's path between scylla and charybdis between a rock and a hard place between the hammer and the anvil between two fires cornered in a dilemma in a pickle in a predicament in the middle no choice sitting on a powder keg hobson's choice chain reaction domino effect vicious cycle causal nexus chain of circumstances circularity concatenation of events eternal return dutch
Catch 22 antonyms
advantage benefit continuation breakthrough good fortune solution start agreement success boon miracle wonder strong point perfection strength blessing fine point aid assistance liberation encouragement opening help freedom release advance expedition promotion push permission furtherance clearance allowance facilitation support regularity usualness accuracy normality standard same truth understanding certainty correction fix closure peace profit convenience headway progress
Usage of Catch 22 in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi. 
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