Changeable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Changeable
As adjective :
अधृति Ex:  Perth has a very changeable and, at times, energetic Folk music culture. अभिलुलित Ex:  More changeable as a chameleon अस्थिर Ex:  The fortune is blind, fickle, capricious, changeable आचंचल आनोजानी आसंसार उल्लल चलचलिय चलचाल डँवाडोल डाँवाडोल तारल दावाँदोल परिवर्तनशील उ:   संस्कृति परिवर्तनशील है लेकिन हमारी विरासत परिवर्तनील नहीं है। बिचल बिस्थीरु विकुर्वाणा विचल विपरिणामी विवर्तमान विसंष्ठुल
Other : परिवर्तनीय उ:   लक्षण इस प्रकार पर निर्भर करते हैं और अक्सर परिवर्तनीय होते हैं।
Changeable ki paribhasha : ghoomane, badalane ya badale jaane ke yogy pratigya ya snkalp se hata hua
Changeable synonyms
protean unsettled varying capricious unpredictable fickle unstable volatile mercurial mutable agitated convertible fitful flighty fluid impulsive inconstant indecisive irregular irresolute irresponsible kaleidoscopic mobile movable restless skittish spasmodic uncertain unreliable unsteady vacillating vagrant variable variant versatile wavering whimsical fluctuating shifting changeful commutative permutable reversible revocable transformable transitional
Changeable antonyms
steadfast unvarying stable changeless lasting reliable unchangeable constant steady calm certain fixed sure undeviating
Usage of Changeable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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