Chariot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chariot
As noun : उपह्लार Ex:  Where civic functions and infrastructure such as chariot races
चंकुण Ex:  Elagabalus ran backward in front of the chariot चकुर Ex:  A triumphal arch surmounted by a chariot चक्रचारी Ex:  Antique two-horse chariot चक्रपाद Ex:  Attach horses to a chariot चौघोडी Ex:  By analogy, Apollo's chariot रथ Ex:  chariot races उ:   बैलगाड़ी, रथ एवं नाव यातायात के प्रमुख साधन थे। वाह्म Ex:  Cirque arranged for horse and chariot races वाह्यक Ex:  Following the poets, was the chariot of Venus drawn by doves वीरवह Ex:  He mounted his chariot वीरवाह Ex:  Location for among the Romans for public games, particularly for various forms of struggle and for horse and chariot races स्थपति Ex:  The night the chariot
Other : गाडी Ex:  Elagabalus placed the Emesa stone on a chariot adorned with gold and jewels उ:   २३ अप्रैल २०१४ की रात्रि को आल्लगड्ड के निकट शोभा की गाडी पलट गई। स्यंदन Ex:  The wheel of the chariot broke against the terminal which served purpose
Chariot ki paribhasha : praachin kaal ki ek prakaar ki savaari jisamen chaar ya do pahiye hua karate the aur jisaka vyavahaar yuddha, yaatraa, vihaar aadi ke liye hua karata tha
Chariot synonyms
van car bus truck automobile bicycle boat cab vector buggy crate mechanism conveyance jalopy agent carrier transport motorcycle taxi jeep wheels cart carriage caravan coach tram dray caisson schooner lorry wain buckboard camion tumbril barouche fourgon gilly
Chariot antonyms
goal end
Usage of Chariot in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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