Chaste meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chaste
As adjective : अनुव्रता Ex:  Baden-Powell is thought to always have remained chaste with his scouts
असुर्यपश्या Ex:  A chaste heart एकपत्नी Ex:  A chaste love कुलजाया Ex:  A wise life pure, chaste धर्मचारिणी Ex:  From chaste attractions निरलंकार Ex:  Having chaste morals पतिदेवता Ex:  It hurts the chaste ears पतिबरता Ex:  It means, by extension, Little love affair remains generally chaste पतिभरता Ex:  It particularly means Who is chaste पतिवर्ता Ex:  of both genders who is chaste and modest in his manners, in his actions, in his speeches पतिव्रत Ex:  One way chaste उ:   ऐसे दृश्य को देख सबने सुलोचना के पतिव्रत का सम्मान किया। पतिव्रता Ex:  That lack of continence, that is not chaste उ:   पतिव्रता देवियों में अनसूया का स्थान सबसे ऊँचा है। पाकदामन Ex:  The chaste Joseph प्रांजल Ex:  The chaste Lucretia उ:   कर्पूरमंजरी की प्राकृत प्रौढ़ एवं प्रांजल है। भर्तृव्रता Ex:  The naked can be chaste शालीन Ex:  , Having chaste ears, To fear the words that hurt so little modesty उ:   शालीन मानव-जीवन के लिए संयम अनिवार्य है। सतीवृता सद्दी ‡ सादा उ:   एक सादा कुकर भी होता है। साध्वी सूपगंधि
Other : निष्कलंक Ex:  It has only chaste thoughts विशुद्ध Ex:  This is the Botanical common chaste tree, also called VITEX उ:   इसमें नीले भूरे वर्ण का, विशुद्ध तथा कणोंवाला स्फटिक प्राप्त होता है। सती उ:   यहीं सती भस्म हो गयी थी।
Chaste ki paribhasha : daksh prajaapati ki kanya jo bhav ya shiv ko vyaahi gai thi tntr ke anusaar sharir ke andar ke chhah chakron men se paaanchavaaan chakra, jo gale men maana jaata hai kusha ki bani hui pavitri jise shraadghaadi men aanguliyon men pahanate hain meda naamak ashtavargiy aushadhi jisaki banaavat aadi bahut snkshipt ho pati men anany anuraag rakhanevaali aur yathaavidhi patiseva karanevaali stri vah jo ayaachitavratti ho
Chaste synonyms
subdued platonic virginal celibate unblemished austere clean continent decent decorous elegant immaculate impotent inexperienced innocent modest moral neat proper prudish quiet refined restrained simple spotless stainless unaffected undefiled unstained unsullied vestal virtuous wholesome controlled unwed monogamous intemerate uncontaminated
Chaste antonyms
defiled lewd unchaste corrupt dirty wanton
Usage of Chaste in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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