Cherry meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cherry
As noun : अग्निवर्ण Ex:  George chopped down the cherry tree
अरगवानी Ex:  The cherry tree bloomed उदुष्ट Ex:  It's between chocolate cake and cherry pie . कप्यास Ex:  The cherry trees exploded with blossoms . कृमिजा Ex:  Western Michigan has apple and cherry orchards गहरा लाल Ex:  A double-flowered cherry चेरी वृक्ष Ex:  Location planted cherry चेरी Ex:  Lucia or Mahaleb, cherry species whose wood is fragrant and is used mainly for tour books उ:   इस पर चेरी ने हामी भर दी। धूम्रलोहित Ex:  Ratafia cherry पाटलोपल Ex:  red and white cherry Kind has firmer flesh than other cherries बंदेरो Ex:  Short-tailed cherry species, big and blackish बदरीरक्त Ex:  The fruit of the Hackberry looks like a small cherry रक्तिम Ex:  Who holds the middle between the color of cherry and rose-colored रतौहाँ Ex:  Who is a clear red between cherry and rose रत्ननिधि Ex:  Liqueur spirit which is done with a species called Marasca cherry लक्ष्मीपुष्प लघमीपुष्प लाल उ:   लाल चौक क्षेत्र में हर तरह के शॉपिंग केन्द्र है। लालमुनी लोहित उ:   यहां की सबसे बडी नदी लोहित के नाम पर इसका नाम रखा गया है। लोहितकृष्ण शोण सुही सेँदुरा स्रणिका
As adjective : एक प्रकार का फल Ex:  I'm already baking a cherry pie . काकनज Ex:  I have a cherry pie here . चमकीला लाल रंग का Ex:  cherry Pipe चेरी या एक प्रकार का फल Ex:  Early cherry चेरी लाल Ex:  Kind of small fruit tart, color and size of a cherry and containing multiple small nuclei चैरी Ex:  Password borrowed from German by abbreviation kirschen-wasser, which means cherry water, water spirits Species produced by distillation of the juice of wild cherries विलायती मकोय के रंग का विलायती मकोय
Other : आलूबालू Ex:  He ate the cherry dish deliciously.
The restaurant serves deliciously prepared food
उ:   आलूबालू को कश्मीरी में भी "गिलास" कहा जाता है।
Cherry ki paribhasha : aalooche ki tarah ka ek ped jo pashchimi himaalay par hota hai apoorn ya hin indradhanu maanika, birabahuti ya lahou aadi ke rng ka
Cherry synonyms
crimson blooming blushing rosy rubicund ruddy cerise claret dark red erubescent incarnadine reddish
Usage of Cherry in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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