Chew the fat meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chew the fat
As noun :
गप्पें मारना
Chew the fat synonyms
go on chatter prate cackle babble jaw burble yap prattle blab gab chew the rag run on commune use yak parley chitchat exchange confer discourse rap speak schmooze consider bicker contest deliberate question wrangle oppose answer contend confab differ bandy pettifog prove confute refute rehash controvert agitate reason hassle moot disprove canvass demonstrate cogitate rebut dispute cross swords lock horns altercate bump heads discept hammer away at hash over have at it kick around knock around pick a bone put up argument set to talk back talk game thrash out toss around palaver bs run off at the mouth shoot the bull yack digest meditate muse ruminate mull something over ponder over think about think over
Chew the fat antonyms
be quiet be silent give in harmonize prove agree endorse make peace go along
Usage of Chew the fat in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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