Cite meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cite
As noun : उद्धृत् करना Ex:  Critics of the government cite mis-management
उल्लेख करना Ex:  They also cite continuing conflicts such as Northern Ireland तलब करना Ex:  Some proponents of this view cite the destructions of Thebes प्रकीर्तना Ex:  Vandals, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, and French, to cite some significant sources. संशब्दन Ex:  It is used to dial a number of terms scientific or technical information which we cite below that key समाख्यान Ex:  We will cite a number of examples हवाला देना
As verb : उदधृत करना Ex:  Bible exegetes cite references to the Trinity उद्धत करना Ex:  They often cite the cruelties and destructions brought upon by Mongol armies. उद्वरण देना Ex:  Chola inscriptions cite many works दृष्टान्त देना Ex:  The primary arguments for keeping the flag cite historic precedence प्रोद्धरण करना Ex:  Stewart entered what many critics cite as his "golden era" as an actor. बुलवाना Ex:  For instance, if a lawyer wanted to cite Roe v. बुलावाना Ex:  Connoisseurs cite mainly as table सिटे
Other : उद्धरण देना Ex:  However, other authors cite positive aspects of Genghis Khan's conquests. उद्धृत करना Ex:  On the right side they cite the letters ΨΣ ΚΙΑ.
Cite ki paribhasha : doosare ko bulaane men pravratt karana
Cite synonyms
repeat name offer mention indicate specify recount spell out point out allege tell present exemplify advance remember reference reminisce rehearse excerpt number evidence adduce instance lay enumerate extract recite allude to refer to appeal to get down to brass tacks give as example illustrate with call order arraign command summon
Cite antonyms
withhold deny conceal insert take forget ignore
Usage of Cite in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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