Cloak and dagger meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cloak and dagger
Cloak and dagger ki paribhasha : padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain
Cloak and dagger synonyms
covert hush-hush intriguing mysterious quiet sly sneaky stealthy surreptitious undercover hugger-mugger tension anxiety apprehension confusion uncertainty doubt insecurity expectancy hesitation impatience expectation indecision wavering irresolution perplexity dilemma eagerness hesitancy indecisiveness thriller grabber chiller potboiler cliff-hanger page-turner illicit fraudulent underground furtive hidden artful closet concealed foxy illegitimate private under wraps underhand in holes and corners on the q. t. on the quiet under-the-counter theatrical artificial exaggerated ham histrionic hokey sensational spectacular blood-and-thunder cliff-hanging hammy overdramatic overemotional stagy secluded classified undisclosed unknown obscure occult mystic deep dark unseen abstruse ambiguous arcane camouflaged covered cryptic disguised esoteric mystical out-of-the-way recondite reticent retired strange unenlightened unintelligible veiled clouded unfrequented unpublished backdoor conspiratorial enigmatical on the qt shrouded confidential discreet incognito inside restricted secretive backstairs dissembled dissimulated in ambush
Cloak and dagger antonyms
aboveboard calmness composure knowledge ease peace certainty honest legal authorized known forthright truthful open public normal untheatrical sociable unconcealed obvious visible explicit legitimate revealed apparent light clear defined
Usage of Cloak and dagger in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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