Coincidental meaning in hindi
As noun : संयोगात्मक
As adjective :
अजकजा Ex:  The two coincidental movies were super flop. इत्तफाकन् कजाकार संयोगवश उ: संयोगवश उन दिनों कौरवों की गौ-सम्पत्ति द्वैतवन में ही थी।
Coincidental ki paribhasha : jisake hone ka pahale se anumaan na ho
ExamplesCoincidental synonyms
unintentional incidental fortuitous circumstantial casual chance fluky unplanned Coincidental antonyms
deliberate intentional planned decided designed Usage of Coincidental in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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