Collateral meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Collateral
As noun : अनुप्रास‌ंगिक Ex:  Cheetah is a collateral animal of cat family.
आनुशंगिक Ex:  His collateral aim is to do business. एक ही पूर्वज का Ex:  Due to collateral circulation पड Ex:  A question, a collateral attack उ:   इस कारण इनका नाम 'दादू दयाल' पड गया। प्रमाणित करने वाला Ex:  Action collateral भिन्नशाखीय Ex:  Call collateral लग Ex:  Calling someone as collateral उ:   मां-बापू को आने में कई दिन लग जाएंगे। शाखज Ex:  collateral In terms of jurisprudence, it means Fact, action, crime शाखिक Ex:  Committing to someone, He used as collateral संपार्श्‍विक Ex:  He gave me collateral ससिंमानांश Ex:  In terms of Architecture, collateral Nef, Nef aisles of a church or wings सांपार्श्विक Ex:  It also means Whoever gives or deposited as collateral
As adjective : एक ही जाती का Ex:  Pepper was so valuable that it was often used as collateral or even currency. संपाशिर्वक Ex:  He took all his collateral against this accident साथ साथ का Ex:  It also takes as collateral for Parent name
Other : समानान्तर Ex:  Heir They say the same collateral Whoever inherits an online Parent collateral उ:   वे समानान्तर सिनेमा के प्रभावी निर्देशक थे।
Collateral ki paribhasha : sngit ke saat svaron men pratham svar
Collateral synonyms
ancillary supporting satellite concomitant auxiliary complementary dependent lateral parallel accessory incident roundabout subsidiary coordinate subordinate attendant tributary side accompanying circuitous coincident concurrent corresponding corroborative related subservient under added adjuvant adjunctive appurtenant confirmatory not lineal wealth warrant promise endorsement bond security guarantee surety assurance pledge
Collateral antonyms
unrelated independent dissimilar chief primary principal different important necessary major direct main uncertainty break
Usage of Collateral in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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