Come apart meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Come apart
As noun :
टुकड़े टुकड़े होकर आना
Come apart synonyms
muddled bewildered perplexed distracted perturbed befuddled dazed disorganized thrown gone abashed addled discombobulated stumped misled punch-drunk punchy screwy slaphappy baffled flummoxed nonplussed unscrewed unzipped flustered spaced out at a loss at sea at sixes and sevens fouled up glassy-eyed mixed up not with it out to lunch shook up shot to pieces taken aback thrown off balance unglued unsettled embarrassed disturbed troubled annoyed spaced-out fazed rattled ruffled caught off balance in botheration messed-up out of countenance psyched-out shook-up break up sink decompose disband decay dismantle splinter shatter crumble wither degenerate rot sever descend deliquesce pulverize disconnect divide decline worsen atomize taint turn molder disperse spoil disunite putrefy detach wash out break down dilapidate break apart disimprove fade away fall to pieces take apart turn to dust wash away fold misfire close miscarry bomb founder fall flat come to nothing fall short rive smash burst shiver rend confounded disoriented lost release free expand disclose jimmy tap puncture vent pop unlock unblock bare unfasten gape unseal ventilate fissure unwrap broach unroll untie crack perforate disrupt slot lacerate undo yawn unfurl unfold penetrate hole yawp rupture reveal pierce slit unclothe uncover display break in break out kick in uncork unbar unbolt bust in throw wide unclose unlatch unshut unstop scare clutch alarm stampede unnerve startle terrify chicken out go to pieces lose it overreact be terror-stricken become hysterical freeze up have a fit lose nerve push panic button run scared shake in boots articulate strip slice particularize section subdivide factor dissever disjoin segment cleave tear partition portion itemize dichotomize doubtful stuck dopey foggy hung up mystified clueless bollixed floored come unzipped in a fog loused up messed up mind-blown mucked up screwed up without a clue divorce distribute disentangle dissect uncouple intersect disjoint break off come between come away uncombine fracture click crackle give way isolate fork hack bifurcate branch diverge slash whack come undone go separate ways part company put asunder group seclude sort rope off stand between cut in two wedge apart disordered shocked sick agitated blue hurt capsized distressed spilled worried overturned antsy apprehensive chaotic frantic jittery jumpy overwrought upside-down tumbled dismayed disquieted grieved toppled dragged amazed all torn up broken up bummed out in disarray psyched out tipped over confusional turbid addlepated depressed pessimistic crestfallen dispirited beat downbeat downcast glum sad dashed deterred daunted beat-down caved-in come-apart down-in-mouth gone to pieces in a funk in blue funk in the dumps lost momentum
Come apart antonyms
composed organized understanding methodical ordered separated systematic clear oriented settled concerted happy calm soothed unworried grow increase combine improve put together unite mend connect couple link meld rise strengthen develop join build flourish fix attach collect gather accomplish achieve succeed complete total conceal hide withhold sew fasten wrap misunderstand marry suppress shut block exclude hinder secrete close cover close up conclude finish bury be calm be content arrive come aware cognizant certain sure desegregate agree mix liberate free loose wait pull together moral healthy pleased collected untroubled joyful decent gay strong well clean sound comforted undisturbed encouraged heartened inspired
Usage of Come apart in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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