Come hither meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Come hither Examples
Come hither synonyms
alluring bewitching coquettish enticing inviting tempting beckoning come-on bait inducement lure temptation fascination decoy seduction attraction promise trap blandishment snare inveiglement sweetener sweetening coaxing mousetrap cajolery tease fool disport banter ogle proposition pitch philander dally come on pick up eyeball gam bat eyes at hit on lead on linger with make a move make a pass wink at amorous arch libidinous sportive flirty dallying spoony provocative charming attractive fascinating irresistible desirable drawing enchanting magnetic ravishing siren specious captivating attracting beguiling racy sensuous hot mature sensual cuddly provoking risquã© slinky spicy steamy suggestive voluptuous arousing kissable titillating
Come hither antonyms
repulsion disgust dissuasion be faithful cool modest shy unprovocative repulsive unattractive distasteful disenchanting repellent ugly unpleasing disgusting unsexy
Usage of Come hither in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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