Comedy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comedy
As noun : कमेडी Ex:  I saw your comedy act at the nightclub .
कामदी Ex:  Another comedy about a diesel submarine, Down Periscope, stars Kelsey Grammer. प्रहसन Ex:  The comedy The Careless Husband उ:   यह प्रहसन छोटा होने पर भी बड़ा रोचक है। विनोदप्रियता Ex:  Practically every Mutual comedy is a classic: Easy Street उ:   उसमें चॉसर की यथार्थवादिता और विनोदप्रियता नहीं है। सुखांतक Ex:  Kubrick reconceived it as comedy सुखान्त नाटक Ex:  She achieved a success in 1959 with the Noël Coward comedy Look After Lulu सुखान्त Ex:  Important models for both comedy उ:   इन सुखान्त नाटकों में निम्नकोटि का वासनातत्व प्रधान है। सुखान्तिका Ex:  McEnroe also appeared on the HBO comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm. सुखान्तिकी Ex:  He was prominently lampooned in Aristophanes' comedy The Clouds हर्षप्रधान नाटक Ex:  A comedy festival held in both languages हास्यप्रधान नाटक Ex:  Rolf Harris, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and BBC comedy programme The Good Life.
Other : स्वांग Ex:  Madison offers one comedy club
Comedy ki paribhasha : nau sthaayi bhaavon aur rason men se ek rngashaala men naton ki aakrati, haav bhaava, vesh aur vachan aadi dvaara ghatanaao ka pradarshan
Comedy synonyms
humor satire farce picnic takeoff funniness drollery interlude hoopla comicality travesty hilarity ball humorousness burlesque witticism slapstick vaudeville camp high time jesting joking comicalness drollness sitcom laughs facetiousness merry-go-round funnies grins wittiness schtick chaffing comic drama field day fun and games gag show high camp light entertainment play on send-up wisecracking
Comedy antonyms
sadness tragedy seriousness
Usage of Comedy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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