Commute meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Commute
As noun : आना जाना करना Ex:  our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home
कम कर देना Ex:  We commute from Indore to Dewas daily. बदल देना Ex:  34% use public transportation to commute to work or school.
As verb : बस में सवार करना Ex:  Action commute भारी दण्ड के स्थान पर हल्का दण्ड देना Ex:  It does not say is not only in this sentence, commute a sentence, the change to a lesser sentence
Other : का स्थान लेना Ex:   the commute to Moscow now requires about four and a half to nine hours. परिवर्तन करना Ex:  Since many Connecticut residents commute to New York City रुपान्तरित करना विनिमय करना हेर फेर करना
Commute synonyms
drive go back and forth take the bus/subway/train shorten mitigate modify remit soften decrease alleviate curtail transmute interchange convert barter transfer transpose transform metamorphose switch transmogrify transfigure translate substitute
Commute antonyms
increase lengthen keep intensify grow aggravate irritate persist remain stagnate hold stay leave alone
Usage of Commute in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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